Saturday, December 31, 2011
It is the time of the year when people around the world get ready to celebrate the birth of a brand new year~
No party, no foam spray this year. But with Leffe.
Appreciate the little effort from you today :)
Happie New Year to you!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
It was totally by my own without others help. Hopefully I was on the right track..:)
Heaved a sigh of relief after tension for quite a few days~phew~
Was thinking about it today and was just told the original schedule has been brought forward.
How am i going to end the year of 2011? *thinking....*
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Xmas!!! *yawn*
Slept for about 4 hours only due to the unexpected
It seems like Santa has yet to drop me pressie~ Maybe it has lost somewhere~~:P
Another long weekend coming soon~
Merry merrie Christmasu~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Happie Dong Zhi!!
Thanks for the tong yun made by my colleague. Never thought of having tong yun today.
It's kinda touching. :) Xie Xie ni~~
2 more days to Xmas and 2011 will be coming to an end real soon.
But it seems like my 'resolution' is not gonna realize within two years which means latest by this year..*Running out of time*
Resolution on Winter Solstice: Don't be so stubborn. :P
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thanks to my colleague who was rushing me and even counting down before the dot.
Reached home before 6!
I sensed something different. But not sure whether it's really so or i just think a little bit too much..
詞:Selina 曲:周杰倫
心痛的疤痕 記憶的傷痕
請問 怎樣才能不恨?
如果我堅強 如果我開朗
我刷著睫毛 擦了唇膏
換上洋裝 牽著你手
我丟掉手機 丟掉照片
丟掉過去 卻丟不到我美麗的夢境
小情小愛平凡多可愛 怎麼了現在
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Jingle bell..jingle bell...
Where's my Santa Claus?
Im going to try Corona tonight. :)
米修 米修
Thinking.. Pondering..
Cham lor...
Monday, December 5, 2011
Was a bit shock when looking at the bleeding wounds ....
What a day!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Less than two months to 23.01.2012.
Should I...
I was really having fun and it's good to catch up with you guys.
Thank you for making my days!
It's a night full of laughter.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Quite upset with the sentence.
A joke has turned out to be an "issue".
Look forward to Xmas!!
Hopefully the transition period for this time is gonna reduce to few hours..
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I hope a great article will be coming soon.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I guess yes because somehow i know you will do it..
On the other hand, i guess no because as what you have mentioned.
Eventually, im getting it :))
It's really feeling good when someone missing you.
Im not sure how long will it go..But enjoy the present!
Happie Weekend!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
So what?
New rules have been implemented. Yet, i dont think it's a good thing to me at least i strongly feel it now.
Im thinking to lessen the burden of others but i have no idea what's in their mind.
A simple thing can become an issue.
Everything has to be balanced out! BALANCE!! That's the critical plus difficult part.
Doing more doesn't really reflect that you are helping them! In fact, issue is arising.
Doing less doesn't mean you can escape from the issue. Questions are popping out..Fingers start pointing to you!
I would not say Im here to please you but i just do my job since you are not doing yours.
I dont care! I wish i could!!!!
Enjoy my weekend!!!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Burberry Body
Dilemma because the schedule for tomorrow is kinda hay-wired.
Last minute plan will definitely making thing worst.
So, expect for the worst.
It smells good initially. However, after a moment, it seems like it's just so-so.
Comparison between two, it was definitely better.
As i mentioned, after a moment, it's just ordinary.
But i like the shape.
When it can be included in my family?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Really WTF...
Surprise when i got home because i saw something on the table.
A platinum card. My first ever platinum..However, it's not by my effort.
One year plus to upgraded the card..
Sometimes, satisfaction is really something coming to my mind.
I've never applied any card. Yet, i own a few.
What i need do not come to me.
However, what i want sometimes come to me..
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Being scolded for NO REASON!!!
Please use your butt brain to think even its butt!! Fully utilize it!!
Was acknowledged by my staff that he was abnormal.
But i never thought this would happen on me!
Thank you for scolded me until I wanted to dig a hole!
Thank you for humiliated me in the public!
Last but not least, thank you for not sending regards to my mother!
I keep telling myself that he has mental illness. I should have not keep this in heart. Yet, it takes some time for me to recover.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
LeVain Boulangerie Patisserie
Thanks to cc for bringing us to this cozy dining cube.
It was crowded when we reached there and i bet this is nothing unusual.
Creamy mushroom pasta
Vege pasta
Aglio Olio Pasta- Nice!
Move forward to choose your fav buns after taking the main dish
All in all, i would say this is a place where you have to really drop by! Be it for lunch, dinner or tea.
Enjoy the environment and the food!
Relax and indulge yourself with foods!
No. 7 Jalan Delima, Off Jalan Imbi, (right beside Fukuya)
55100 Kuala Lumpur
03 – 2142 6611
Friday, September 16, 2011
Just realised i didnt wish my so sorry~~
Missed out the phone reminder the other day and no notification in fb(nowadays rely so much on fb birthday celebration).
Trying my very best to look for the birthdate and realised it was over!!><
Gift is always on hand. Thus, it shouldnt be a problem.
Shall i say you are enlightening my day!
Didnt expect to receive any message from you recently.
I shall and should treat it as extraordinary normal case. Sarcastic.
ITs just so so so so normal.
But with that, i seemed cheerful with just that..
Kent ah kent...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
But i dunno when are we going to have the chance.
Fate, destiny...
Hoping to meet you in Oct..
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Dunno when is the next time where we could meet.
We are one of the three who have the similarities.
This feeling is kinda complicated and I felt secured when be with you.
Monday, September 5, 2011
It took me about 1hour to reach home today! I thought the traffic would be smoother since it's already over Hari Raya.
However, it did not seem to ease the case.
Can i announce that i've discovered the pattern of my cup of tea.
I hope my life wont mess up just because of you!
I keep thinking of your smile now!! HAHAHAHAHA....
I so wanted to ask you about the samsung s2..However, i did not do so..hehe..
There are so many many many who are far better!
Hope i can let go..
Sunday, September 4, 2011
What happened to the sky of Klang Valley today?
Its so hazy!
The tone of the sky was yellowish and golden in the evening. However, when i looked out, it was so hazy!
I couldnt stop myself to take a picture of it and blog about it!
Is that related to the haze particles coming from Sumatra, Indonesia?
Wishing to see a clear sky!
Especially in the night as the lights are so awesome with a clear sky.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Baby, tell me you love me too
even i've thing to be completed..
Yet, i feel like going out SOO MUCCCHIIIIIEE..
It's because today is SATURDAY!!!
1 reason to cry, 10 reason to smiles!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
But i was so disappointed when i got into Garden@Mid Valley.
The service was not up to expectation as i was waited quite long to get even a menu. Worse still, i waited more than half and hour for my food!
When it comes to bill, it was quite fast though.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
GOOD morning
I was calmer than usual. (I guess)
But couldnt react fast.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Weekend flies.
I've tons of things to be done and planned to be done during the weekend.
Yet, it's another end of Sunday.
Dunno how to face you..
Once seeing you , I will just go psycho.
Thats why black face.
I did something ridiculously stupid again.
Was giving myself a dim of hope where it didnt happen at all.
I need and want +++++++.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Taro Balls
Finally had it in Pavilion last few weeks.
Tried out the new one..
It's really refreshing!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Was storing this beverage for quite some time. Actually wanted try it out immediately the date when i first bought it. However, it can only be tasted until today..hahaha..
I could say it's quite fresh but its too carbonated..
I hope the time can really stop during weekend!!
I guess tomorrow will be a tough day for me!! Deal with a big dunk of shit!
Dont give me so much problem can or not!!!!!
I dont want headache so much laaaaaa.....
For a positive side, i cannot be always living in a safe and comfortable cubic. I wont be learning much and grow fast in that way.
God bless me, PLEASE!!!!
Asia One

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Weekend is going to end soon and my nightmare is going to happen soooooon.. :((
Thank you for the present and it's my 1st DP.
This year's present are somehow practical yet i do not need it.
I've got my first Coach as well. But i wont be using it.
Thats it.
Btw, why is it so hard to lose some fats on my face?
My friend said i seem like losing weight. But my face is still looks FAT!!!!! ARGHHHH
Friday, August 12, 2011
I LIKE IT!!! As i do not need to wake up super duper early the next day! I do not need to set my alarm tonight!!
I can sleep until the time i wake up naturally!!!
Gotta enjoy my weekend to the max! Monday will be a challenging day!
Why those people whom i think are nice initially getting this way?!?!?!?!?
Please ease my life a bit okay????
Im not sure how long will i stay..
But hope things going well in near future.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Im not sure is this what I've gone thru. Pathetic.
Why are u giving me so much problems??????
I shudnt't ask why..
Move forward. Solve it. Grow.
Pray for a better tomorrow.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Well, the best part always come late
I've always wanted to try Delicious whenever i passed by their outlets as there are always a lot of people. Good things shared across.
Hence, I suggested to try it out during my birthday week.
I was glad that I picked my favourite compared to other dishes that my besties had.

Spaghetti with duck meat

Green Curry
Friday, August 5, 2011
At last
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sweet sweet
However, i still couldnt manage to get my snowflake!!!
I think i will be losing weight very soon as this persists.
I kinda skipped my lunch and had my dinner late.
It's very unhealthy!!
Btw, i've really got a bit shock when u guys passed me the gift as this is unexpected.
I thought it would be no gift from you this year. :P
Initially, i thought it would be some sort of clothes.
When i unpacked it, i thought it would be perfume..(make me excited for a few seconds...:P).
I suspected as well as it seems like the packaging is kinda new if it were a perfume.'s Laneige Sleeping Mask...(Here is the complicated part..)
I just asked my fren to get the sleeping mask in KOREA!!!!!@@
Anyhow, thanks for the gift!! Appreciate it and im gonna start using it just a few minutes later!! Teehee....
Friday, July 29, 2011
I was guessing whether i had slight gastric just now..Was hungry ard evening but i could only have my dinner ard 10pm.
Im so sleepy but i wanted to blog before i hit my bed.
It's just so good to wake up naturally in the morning without bothering whether it's time to work or wat..
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
It's Wednesday and im at home now!!! Its so amazing!
It has been a long long long time where i've not been at home at this time.
Felt so excited today as i claimed my half day replacement hour and went back early.
As usual, things coming in at the critical time and i couldnt go back on time.
Rushing to the shop but the peak has over.
Your presence is not always prioritized.
It's been few months and i thought i could get it done by today!
Thus, it's not money which always speaks louder all times.
When can i have the spare time to do this??
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Kiss the Night
However, im awake now. Not to say that im not sleepy. However, i wanted to blog so much.
Wanted to iron my clothes tomorrow. Anyhow, i've decided to get it done by today.
Thinking to blog in English. Finally, I've changed my mind.
当我对你提出的问题不加以思索,就回以随便时, 就代表我不想再去理了。。(可是我总是败心软。。总不能完全做到。)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Actually wanted to upload a video by Landy. However, couldnt find the embed code!!!
Sleepy eyes now.
Today was better than what ive thought. Thank God.
It's kinda special to me as well. No celebration, no present (as per this moment).
It's just a normal day to me.
Anyway, thanks for the wishes and cards from colleagues.
Thanks to my manager as well cuz she sang birthday song to me! ! So cute..:))
Nite nite.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Silence and isolate.
I miss you.
I planted the seed that i have not received anything. However, I had surprise!
Somehow, it's some sort expected.
To be honest, Im kind frustrated..not to others but to myself.
Not appreciating people who treating me good but wasting my energy to others who do not worth it! So pathetic!
Im thinking how's the week going to be, Not saying the day in the week, perhaps should make it small.
How's the day going to look like?
I wish I could rewind the time back to the day. At least I could spend the day in the luxury cube.
Speaking of work, quite a few people asked me about it. However, I hardly find the interest in explaining it. Time flies.
The longer you have been there, the more responsibilities you need to take on.
Responsibilities are inversely proportionate to the excuse.
Sleep deprivation!!
The vision was blur. Perhaps it's the consequence of sleep deprivation.
Gotta sleep early!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Past, Present, Future
I wish i were in Genting right now.
Anyhow, i've been doing nothing meaningful today. Wandering in a small cubical without any planning. Searching for hands free. However, my attempt was unsuccessful. So where has my hands free gone?
Was thinking i should do something meaningful this weekend after wasting my last few weekends.
But other than having a talk with my dearie, i think i was doing nothing better. Couldnt imagine that could be that long.
Anything for me?
Anyone for me?
People keep asking what have you done for the past 6 months? It's stepped to another half of the year. What's your resolution?
Keep hearing ppl have got their bonuses, increment etc. But where am i now?
Enjoy weekend!
Cest la vie~
Friday, July 1, 2011
I could smell something fishy early in the morning and i would say my sixth sense was coming true.
I could foretell.
I was thinking was that bringing my luck? I guess im too superstitious. But i have to admit that it's quite true.
What i was thinking these few days is that they do make a difference and (at that point of time) they deserve it. That's the difference i could spot.
I used to proud of certain matters. But bear in the mind that you reap what you sow. No pain no gain. Everything has a reason behind it.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Lucky Friday
But today, it's really different!
I could switch off my pc ON TIME! and Get ready before 530!!
Initially i was thinking when i can go back today as i received the email ard 4. It supposed took me 2-3 hours to complete it. However, system started to go haywire ard 420..i was thinking wth..i was like rushing and u are giving me problem! Not long after that that, the system was declared down!
We were hoping the system would down until 530 or else..stayback to do la..
It was a tough week for me..I would say some phobia has arose. Things are not easy.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Live life
Just finished releasing all the tantrum in my own way. I guess no one will know.
Yet, i think it's a good way for me to release and relief. At least i can say at this moment it works.
A self reminder: Dont keep on anticipating something which will not work. Else, your life is going to be suck to the max!
Live life.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Things are getting more on board. However, why there are always a rotten apple?
I bet this is life. Or else, it would be too flat.
I kept asking is this what i want? But i guess i wouldnt not have much choices unless i've exposed to something new?
Gotta have a good sleep!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Music in the night
Thanks god that i could overcome this afternoon without having my peers with me.
I felt sleepy when the clock stroke 8. Its so not me!!!!
I think i deserve a work-life balance. But im not having it now.
12 hours staying outside. Less than 8 hours sleeping. Where have my 4 hours gone?
I have decided not to go coherence in this entry.
Sorry to abandon this blog for quite some time. Therefore, decided to scribble something in the midst of waiting my hair to be dried up.
I just wanna go Genting now!! Anyone?!?!
Good nite~
Saturday, May 14, 2011
challenge ahead
Wanted to blog yesterday night. However, i just couldnt login to my blogger!!!
Yesterday was my first day staying back so late in the office. Thanks Aju for the accompany.
I couldnt imagine how busy its gonna be in the coming week and gotta prepared to stay back late.
Things are loaded in and i hope i really could cope up with them independently with min mistake.
This week was adventurous as i have experienced the typical way by a coll whom my colleague has already forewarned me. But as my coll told me, tats not the worst case yet. In that sense, i have to prepare for the worse in the future..:(.
But im sure i will become tough and more independent after having such 'training'. That is good for me though. Preferably, i would want it in a nice way lo..
Anyway, thanks to my manager and trainer for their patience. <3
Happy trip to my manager as well!!
Good day!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Part of life
Lotsa new things to be shared. However, i couldnt catch up with the time. Many things to be done yet the time is less.
Go out early in the morning and come home late. Have to hit the bed a while after taking dinner.
Speaking of the routine job, I guess I haven't accommodate with the new working environment. Hence, my mind would be very exhausted if there is any unforeseen circumstances to be happened. I was wondering how those adults could cope with their working life sometimes. :(
I miss my frens! I miss the time chatting with them!! I have to admit that i have less time for them since i've stepped into the corporate world. So, please do update me with every bit of your life okay!!
The weather for these few days was so HOT!!!
Thanks god i just came back from Genting. Or else i was wondering how could i fall asleep yesterday night.
I had an adventurous trip in the Starworld. Lost quite some bucks in there yet experienced the lucrative return as well!
Well, have a great weekend! Hope i will enjoy the days ahead!!
But for now, i need to enjoy my Hoegaarden!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Korean cuisine@ Nak Won Ampang
Finally, i made my way to Ampang Korea Village after much-awaiting for it.
But i think i dont really enjoy the meal because i realised that i dun really fancy korean cuisine. Perhaps, it was because the side dishes and also the mixed-rice.
Anyway, this is the one which stands out of the rest.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
That's what she said
Willis Loye
Last but not least, here present you the original version of "That's What She Said".
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Nom nom Kamsamhamida
I suggested Korea Cuisine because im kinda sick of the sashimi thing recently. (not because of the Japan earthquake)
It was my first trial in Little Korea @ Sunway. Had bbq set but i could only took little pic because busy makan! haha
I wanted to have my barley juice before the meal. However, i decided to have after the meal since the waiter told me that i would not be served for the drink again after i had it at the beginning. To my disappointment, the barley juice has no more after i finished makan!!!! :(

this is what we call - nian gao

spicy soup
Friday, April 8, 2011
Early spicy.....................(fyi, i just finished taking my dinner. Why didnt the chef listen to me!! i said less spicy!)
Today's training was tough because i had to start from scratch. But i think it's kinda fun if really can master it. What's so excited is that there will be a simulation test next week!!!!!!!
I wish i could practice at home!! Unfortunately, i have no access to it!
Today was the earliest day i've gone out since last week. I was so excited when i saw there were ample of parkings! But really have to go out early.
I always have no idea why people keep saying that they are sleepy after lunch. And now i know the reason because i experienced the same situation now!! OMG.
Till then.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Im kinda looking forward to tomorrow because i've just got my new lappie!! Manager told me that everyone (kinda exaggerating here..haha) was excited for my lappie as most of them are using desktop instead of lappie! Plus, mine is the shiny new lappie!! Even my manager had the old version one..wuakaka..To be honest, i wish i could have a desktop because i want a larger screen and i do not need to pack-unpack the laptop everyday!!!
But tomorrow's training is going to be a serious and tough one. Hopefully everything goes smooth.
I went out early in the morning and it's almost the same time as yesterday. However, i was later more than half an hour compared to yesterday! WHAT'S WRONG here??!!
I thought i could get an indoor parking since i was early! Thing turned out to be the other side.
I had to park open parking! Luckily rain stopped when i went back. Or else i would curse gao gao..:(
Enjoy your dinner!! Im having mine soon. :))
Monday, April 4, 2011
To me, im quite enjoy today.
Went out early this morning yet traffic jam was prevailing. Is it a culture which KL people has to be caught in the jam during working hour?
It was raining early in the morning. Luckily, I've got a parking in the building today. Pity my little white which is going to be exposed to the sun quite often in future.
I bought my milo to office today and realised that there is milo in the office. ==
Thanks to my coll who let me know.
Basically, i've always hear the positive sides of the company and it does encourage me to achieve higher. I would say that most people are friendly and helpful. Playing around other than working seriously when necessary.
I left the office on time and yet the traffic was terrible! What so excited was that i did not need to dabao for my dinner!! Went to makan bitterguard soup in puchong! best if life can be relax everyday! haha
Gotta sleep early later as im kinda sleepy while blogging.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Not a fool
I hope every day would be a Friday!
Just settled myself after a whole long day.
Slept for three hours yesterday and woke up at 3AM!! Really couldn't sleep well because was afraid that would be overslept.
Went out before 7 and back home after 8! Awesome!!!
Thru and forth needed 1+ hour! That's KL!!
All in all, today was quite fun. Never thought of such cases would happen.
Met my fren during the briefing and primary schoolmates in the department!
There are many things to cope up and i think things will go smooth after i manage to befriend with them!! YES!! I CAN DO IT!!
Gonna sleep early tonight due to sleep deprivation.
Dont fool
Today is another brand new day!
But guess what, i think im too nervous and pressure as well. Had been warned by many people that not to be late and wake up early. Thus, i woke up real early!! Dint sleep well for two consecutive nights!
Is going to dress up soon. Hope everything is going smooth.
Happie April Fool!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
To the gals!
记住:他和你玩暧昧,就是不够喜 欢你。男人真喜欢一个人,从眼睛就能看出来,他恨不得栓着你,怎么会忽冷忽热、忽进忽退?是,喜欢肯定有,总要他看着你顺眼才和你暧昧。所以,对暧昧你的 男人一定不要多情,就算他常常拉你出来、天天短信、电话。就算抱过、亲过,也依然不代表什么,什么都不是。不要相信这种男人说的好话。
人 都有惯性,比如一个人天天9点打电话给你,2个星期之后不打了,你肯定难受。这就是很正常的一个心理作用。所以,当你习惯了他天天绕在你周围,突然他又远 离你的时候,你不甘心了吧,开始惦记他了吧。别相信你就真的那么喜欢他了,这只是一个惯性作用而已。别多想他,自己该干嘛干嘛,过几天习惯了就又没事了。 然后他又热情起来了怎么办呢?你要是还没看透,还要入套我也没办法了。
好好的爱一个人多好呀!别干这缺德事。经上所述:我觉得,女人,真的不要自作多情,男人真的爱你又怎么会对你不负呢?真的爱你怎么会伤害你让你难过?真的爱你怎么不会好好疼你?别玩暧昧, 暧昧不是女人能玩得起的, 别一时冲昏了头,让自己后悔!
一 路走来,遇到过许多的人,碰到过许多的事,是好是坏的也罢,在不知不觉间都成了过去。最近看到了许多人遇到的许多事,突然地想对所有人说,要对自己坦白, 对身边的人多关怀,别让深爱你的人受伤害,因为许多人错过了就永远错过了,许多幸福溜走了就不会再来。如果每个人都能在失去前学会珍惜,就会少了很多遗 憾!
这个社会太精彩了,人的精神也很容易越轨,想对某些不小心精神移位的人 说:当某一天,你觉得某一个与你在路上擦肩而过的他、她比你现在拥有的他、她更让你心动,快敲敲自己的脑袋,这个世界上再美的人都有,你能爱上几个?你能 真的把他、她带回家吗?如果不能,可别忘了回家的路!
I think it's because i woke up intermittently.
I guess my luck isnt really good today because i kena summon!
I thought it should be okay just to park for a while without paying the parking. I was lucky for the previous few days but not today! Luckily there is so-called 'tawaran', means promotion. I would advice you to pay your summon asap because you can just settle it with just a small amount. So, why dont you settle it immediately?
Gonna start a new chapter of life tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Convo feast
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Dark Sky

Can't you see the sky is still dark, can you?
Couldn't believe that i have to wake up at such hour. Worse still, have to be caught in the jam!!
Things went slow even tho i started early. What a pity!
Kept on tuning into different channels while i caught in the jam. I decided to get a pillow to standby in the car.
7.30,7.00,630am!! Nightmare!!!